Albania From the Air
Alket Islami is an aerial photographer and the president of the National Aero Club of Albania.
Through his passion he has developed a new relationship with his country. “At the beginning I thought, like everyone else, of going away and working somewhere else. Then I became acquainted with paragliding and started introducing the sport in Albania

Alket Islami, has published several different volumes of “Albania From The Air”.
Below you may find and order online your preferred book of Albania From The Air.
Alket Islami has born in 1965 Tirana / Albania and
studied Geography and History at University of Tirana. Alket has published 6 Books

Alket Islami
Aerial Photographer and Cameraman
Paragliding and paramotor instructor
Main Activities
1- Albanian Free Flying Association (Founder)
2- Aeronautika Shqiptare (National Aereoclub of Albania )
3- Albania Open ( Sporting and Touristic Agency )
Aerial Photo Albums Published
2006 : Albania from the Air, Volume 1
2009 : Albania from the Air, Volume 2
2012 : Azerbaijan from the Air, Volume 1
2013 : Albanian Riviera from the Sky
Coming Soon
Albanian Alps from the Sky
Albania from the Air Volume 3 (Archeology and Cultural Monuments )
Tirana from the Air
Kosova from the Air